Ministry of the Healing Arts Training
Become a Sacred Celebrant and Ceremonialist
Weddings – Funerals – Rites of Passage – Sacred Ceremony
Born out of a deep desire to qualify those who are called to sacred service, Rev. Annie Mark, Jeremy Pajer, and Stephanie Urbina Jones have created experiential training in creating, officiating, or holding sacred ceremonies, rites of passage, and rituals.
This intensive training is offered in person and online over two 5-day segments with Zoom meetings in between. Each segment is a deep immersion and highly experiential and includes a comprehensive manual detailing each section.
Part 1: Weddings, Sacred Union, Funerals and Memorials
Part 2: Sacred Rites of Passage, Shamanic Initiations and Elemental Rituals
The full 2-segment program is offered at a discounted rate of $3,995.
Upon completion, participants will receive a Ministry of the Healing Arts Sacred Celebrant and Ceremonialist Certificate.
We also offer the option of taking one part, which is $2,500 per part. They can be taken in any order.

Hear from past participants:
Upon completing the segment on Weddings, Sacred Union, Funerals, and Memorials, participants will receive a Ministry of the Healing Arts Sacred Celebrant Certificate.
Upon completing the segment on Sacred Rites of Passage, Shamanic Initiations, and Elemental Rituals, participants will receive a Ministry of the Healing Arts Sacred Ceremonialist Certificate.
A comprehensive training manuel includes valueable resources and templates detailed below:
- Sample wedding booklet, including choice sheets and a variety of readings, prayers & poems to choose from.
- Optional rituals to include, sample vows, sample wedding plans, music song lists, contracts, etc.
- Questionaire and choice booklet including types of services, readings, scrptures, poems, religious and non-religious choices.
- Writing a eulogy, guidelines & samples for different types of ceremonies, music and song list, stages of grief, being with the dying, honoring family wishes.
- Information gathering template, Baby blessings booklet & choice sheet, readings, prayers, poems, sample ceremonies for baby blessing, animal blessing, and house blessing
Sacred Rites of Passage
- Outline of steps, options, types of ceremonies, Examples, music list, prayers & poems
Sacred Rituals, Shamanic & Elemental Initiations
- Elemental Wisdom and songs, readings, prayers, poems, The power of 7, books, and music lists.

Meet the Facilitators
Annie Mark, Co-Creator, Interfaith Minister and Shamanic Minister. Learn more
Jeremy Pajer, Co-Founder Learn more
Stephanie Urbina Jones, Co-Founder Learn more