• Overview
  • Trip Outline
  • Booking
  • Guides
Join best-selling authors, Toltec transformational teachers, and cofounders of Freedom Folk And Soul Jeremy Pajer and Stephanie Urbina Jones for a sacred journey through the medicine wheel of your life.
Over eight weeks, we will travel through this powerful map of transformation, gaining the awareness to honor, recover, and release old energetic patterns and agreements to reclaim our personal freedom.
With each turn of the wheel, we will gain the power to heal and rewrite the stories that hold us back in all our relationships. As we turn that old story into our medicine, we will live with joy, passion, and purpose.
In this powerful program, you can expect to:
​​​​● Connect with a heart-centered tribe​
● Gain self-awareness around your biggest obstacles and belief systems
● Discover where you gave away your sovereignty
● Explore your family of origin and ancestral lineage
● Discover the story you tell about yourself and the parts of it that no longer serve you
● Learn how to hold a sacred ceremony for yourself.
● Be witnessed
● Uncover parts of your story that you have denied or hidden
● Face your fears, release your shame, discover your own love
● Commit to yourself
● Rewrite your story and reclaim your personal power
● Dare to dream the life you’ve always wanted
● Celebrate your newfound freedom
​Through Toltec and Native American wisdom, sacred initiations, ceremonies, and breathwork, we will recover and bring home those pieces of ourselves we had to leave behind.
From the foundation of self-love, we will hear the calling of our heart’s desire and step into our soul purpose.
The Details:
7-9pm CDT Tuesday for 8 weeks starting Tuesday April 15th 
This Online Journey also includes:
- A bonus week exploring codependency
- Two Toltec Sacred Journey Breathwork ceremonies. Dates to be announced.
Space is Limited.
Cost: $499 or
$250 for returning online or in-person participants of one of our intensive programs (Toltec Medicine Wheel of Transformation, Ministerial Training, Shaman Heart Books)
When: Tuesdays, April 15th- June 3rd
Where: Zoom
We will send zoom info when you are registered and paid in full.
Over the course of the eight weeks, we will each create a medicine wheel and apply it to our lives as we move through the seven directions. Each class will include sharing, feedback, teaching, and an experiential exercise.
Week #1 The West: The Crossroads.  What is no longer working in our lives?  Standing at the crossroads and choosing to no longer accept what isn’t working. . Becoming our own Medicine Woman/Man.   Setting our intent and surrendering into the mystery of the journey up ahead

Week#2 North: Origin.  Dreaming back to our origin story and connecting back to our ancestors and lineage.  Where did what’s not working in our lives come from?

Week #3 Below: Shadow & Grace.  What did we create to cope or survive that is no longer serving us.   What gifts got hidden away to stay safe.  Finding forgiveness and grace for ourselves as understanding we come by it all honestly.

Week #4 Codependency.  How do we seek love, attention, and approval outside of ourselves?  How do we abandon ourselves and put ourselves last?

Week #5 East: Rebirth & Inner Child.  Being reborn with a new vision and hope for life.  We reclaim our innocence, learn to understand our needs and become our own ideal loving parent.

Week #6 South: Sacred Rebel. Honoring and claiming our sovereignty and personal power. Making our rebellion sacred and discovering who we truly are.   This is a coming-of-age initiation.  How did we rebel?  How were we shut down?  Owning our sacred yes or no. Understanding how and where we lost our power and acquiesced to the status quo. 

Week #7 Within: Sacred Marriage.  Loving, accepting, and honoring every part of ourselves and the choices we have made.  Embodying unconditional love and learning how to not abandon ourselves no matter what. Learning to love and accept the light and dark within all of us.  Experiencing the gift of forgiveness as we come to understand, we are always doing our best. 

Week #8 Above; Dreaming and Mastery of intent.   Having cleaned up our intent over 6 initiations we become empowered manifesters and dreamers, creating a life of connection, meaning, joy, love, and authenticity. We can pull back the lens and see the bigger picture as we move into the mystery and magic of living a life of personal freedom.  

Each week there will be assignments, you will be assigned a sharing partner, and you will have a powerful ritual to perform at home.

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Jeremy Pajer is truly a master of transformation and a leader in the field of personal freedom. He has spent 20+ years dedicating his life to spiritual growth and the healing arts. He has a practical, down-to-earth, fun, and loving approach to transformation and helping people embrace their humanity.

Stephanie Urbina Jones is a powerful dreamer and artist of life. Once this shamama sets her intent on something, she almost always brings it to life and has fun doing it. She is a visionary seer and regularly walks between the worlds. She considers this normal and believes she has an army of Mexican angels (led by her Abuelita Virginia) that guides and guards her life and career.